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Showing posts from September, 2019

Social Media Marketing: THE MOVIE

Follow Me

Follow Me 'Follow Me' is a documentary on Netflix where a man goes on a search to become an social media influencer. Summary: 'After hearing that some people get paid $5000 for posting a picture on Instagram, broke and out of work director, Asri Bendacha sets out on a journey to become a social media influencer and get as many followers as he can on Instagram. Little does he know that the path to fame and fortune on social media is not what it seems.' After viewing this documentary, I did some of my own research into social media influencers and how they are used to market product and/or services for companies. Popular influencers have built a large amount of loyal followers who trust them. So when they tell these followers about how great a product/service is, there is a higher chance that their audience will convert to your product. A popular way to market through an influencer is to give a special discount code that is just for the influencer...

The Great Hack

 The Great Hack Link for documentary trailer, info and reviews: The Great Hack is a documentary available on Netflix that discusses what is now said to be the world's most valuable asset: Data. The main topic discusses how Donald Trump used Cambridge Analytica to target American voters on social media for the 'Trump Campaign'. Cambridge analytica claimed to have 5,000 data points on each of the 230 million American voters. This documentary has opened my eyes to how in depth social media campaigns delve into our personal accounts and data to promote products and/or services. It is also unbelievable how much money a company pays to create a successful campaign. Although this documentary predominately discusses the negatives of accessing data points from the public, in a marketing perspective, using data and analytics to reach consumers can lead to a campaigns success. From research I've gathered and from th...